Re: Suggestion: Remove the Window Title Bar

I don't have any idea of how to implement this due the inexperience with gtk/gnome programming. But I think that could be an great functionality, Gavin! Sergey suggested something that I realy liked, on mouse over or click event, the entire menu could slide to the right and fade in at same time from the the app icon in the task panel. At same time too, the time/date button could fade out. On the mouse out event, the menu could wait some time, slide back and fade out closing it, at same time, the time/date button could fade back to the normal state.

I think that collapse, close and minimize window's buttons could be shown as permanent icons. next to the app and icon name. or on the same place that it is today when the window isn't maximized.

When the window is not maximized, the app name and menus could have the same behavior. Instead time/date, the window's title could fade-in/out behaving equals to the time/date buton.



2011/10/6 Gavin Engel <gavin engel com>
Arthur, what would you think about combining the app name and the menus onto the same horizontal plane?  This is what I mean (although it is directed at Unity, I don't see why it couldn't also apply to Gnome Shell):

If I had any idea how to make this happen in a Gnome Shell Extension, I'd work on trying to make that happen.  Sadly, I don't!

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 7:11 PM, Arthur Farias <arthur afarias org> wrote:
Wich new software project implementation isn't buggy? I think that is still a great idea, save some space on screen it's something that can't be discarded on this new Gnome version. So, something like Unity Global Menu could be usefull to that purpose.



2011/10/6 Jean-Yves LENHOF <jean-yves lenhof eu org>
Le 06/10/2011 21:44, Arthur Farias a écrit :
> Hello everyone! (I'm new here)
> I'm using the new version of gnome and I did not liked the big title
> bar, It is consuming too much space on the top of window. So, I  wrote
> to you here to suggest an integration with the task bar to save some
> screen space.
> Thanks!
> Arthur Farias

Please, no.

I have tried unity which do it by default and always has to found how to
remove this behaviour because for now globalmenu is buggy.


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