Re: mutter tiling

On 17.03.2011 14:52, Jesse Hutton wrote:

I've been wondering about the possibility of the leveraging the GWT compiler to write gnome-shell extensions (any js code, really) in Java.
I'm not familiar with GWT but it seems to be a funny trick. Though I think the more traditional solution would be to create bindings for other languages to the gnome-shell-extension API and allow extensions to be written directly in these languages.

Or another workaround could be to write a small wrapper file in javascript which just contains a main() that executes the real thing in your language of choice and forwards the references to the gnome-shell objects you need. Didn't check, though, how easily this can be done.
I haven't really looked into it yet (and I don't know much about gnome-shell's APIs), but I think it would be a great way to write code for the desktop. The Java interfaces to mutter could be generated automatically, giving you type safety against the mutter API, and you'd have a nice, strongly typed development language for extensions :).

Yes, I also think along these lines. I just mentioned Vala because it is basically the same as Java and already can pull in the typesafe Gobject-introspection bindings (which gnome-shell and mutter use) automatically. But aside from this Java would be fine with me as well.

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