Re: Gnome3 slowing down.

Le vendredi 24 juin 2011 à 10:16 -0400, G. Michael Carter a écrit :

> 1.  Anyone have any idea where I should start looking for my issue.
>  It's like there's a memory leak when using programs that get's
> cleared when I shut down all programs.
Run free -m and see if that's a memory issue? If it is, top will tell
you what programs are using memory. That's probably coming from memory,
closing programs wouldn't help if it wasn't.

> 2.  Who do I log the bug with?  Fedora and Gnome 3 doesn't seem to be
> the correct place.
Hard to tell until you find the program responsible for that. Fedora is
better because that's OK even if that's not a bug in GNOME, but if you
know comes from GNOME, then GNOME is better... ;-)


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