Re: Parsing XML in gnome-shell with Javascript - libxml2?

On 5 June 2011 16:47, Giovanni Campagna <scampa giovanni gmail com> wrote:
> Il giorno dom, 05/06/2011 alle 16.25 +0100, Dru Moore ha scritto:
>> Is libxml2 fully supported? I see there is a .gir file for it but that
>> doesn't look complete to me - i.e. I can but I'm
>> having difficulty doing anything with it.
> No. Libxml2 is not a GObject library, and thus cannot be supported by
> GObjectIntrospection.
>> Could someone give me a quick pointer on how to use libxml2 from
>> javascript OR suggest a better way of parsing a full xml document -
>> would GMarkup be a better choice?
> For various reasons, GMarkup is not introspectable at the moment. You
> can either wait for libgeexml / libgdom (, it's a GSoC
> 2011 project), or use EcmaScript4XML (E4X).
> Giovanni

Many thanks Giovanni. E4X looks quite promising for now.

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