Re: Gnome shell suggestions after a bit of usage

Le 07/07/2011 20:25, Robert Park a écrit :
On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 9:59 AM, Jairot Llopis<yajo sk8 gmail com>  wrote:


I'm not sure this is the right place to talk about this, but I have to say
it: Rhythmbox lacks a close to tray option

Irrelevant. Move it to an empty workspace, then ignore it.

No, there's a way to do what he wants.

Just launch rhytmbox
When launched, press the "close" icon in the title bar (do not use the menu), rhythmbox will then not close, but be reduced with a little effect to tray and continue to play songs.

To go again to it using it, go to the tray, click on the tray icon of rhythmbox, and select "open"


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