Re: Gnome shell suggestions after a bit of usage

On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 10:59 AM, Jairot Llopis <yajo sk8 gmail com> wrote:
> I have been using for a short time Fedora 15 with Gnome 3, and I want to
> share some of my points of view about it, and I hope the developers are
> pleased with them and take note.
> First of all, congratulations. It's in general terms a great job, and I am
> enjoying it.
> Now, the suggestions.
> I'm a person who almost always uses the keyboard, and I think gnome-shell is
> more focused in mouse usage. I'd love being able to use the keyboard to
> select items in the activites view. Using the arrow keys, or ctrl/alt/shift
> + arrow keys to that would be great. For me, having the left-side pannel
> with apps or the main panel of open windows is almost useless if I cannot
> reach it with the keyboard. I'm faster typing the name of the app.

This is being worked on.

> Talking about the windows and useless screen space, is not the title too
> thick?
> Also, there is no way to reach the notifications with the keyboard. I would
> love to be able to use a hotkey to focus on the current pop-up if there is
> one, and if there is not, it could work for displaying the bottom
> notifications panel and entering some kind of "navigation mode" on it,
> allowing me to open and close the remaining notifications with the keyboard.

So is this.

> By the way, talking about notifications, if I move the cursor over them it's
> only because I want to open them, so why do I have to click? There should be
> an option to let you open the notifications just by hovering over them, the
> same way than when they have just popped out.


> There is also another annoying thing about notifications: some (i.e.
> Rythmbox) can be clicked on the icon and the text (nice), but some others
> (i.e. Empathy) can only be clicked on the icon (not nice). I prefer the
> first behavior.

This should be working. Make sure you have up-to-date versions of
gnome-shell, gtk+/gdk and Empathy. XEmbed isn't nice to deal with.

> Allow the top-panel to auto-hide just as the bottom one. I readed somewhere
> that the top-panel is something like a visual anchor that allows the user
> rememeber where he is... well, I perfectly know where I am, and, honestly,
> the biggest part of the info displayed there is not really something I need
> to see all the time. If that doesn't change, I prefer to have more space in
> the screen.


> There is a problem when using Inkscape and the Alt+click combination. It is
> needed for that program, but usually window managers use it to move the
> window by default, but allow the user to change it, for example, for mod4 +
> click. I didn't find that in Gnome 3, and this is very annoying when using
> Inkscape. What about an option for that?

gconf right now. I have no idea if there are plans for a user-visible
setting right now. Sorry.

> I'm not sure this is the right place to talk about this, but I have to say
> it: Rhythmbox lacks a close to tray option and beautier (and more useful)
> notifications, and... where did the screensaver configuration go?
> Finally, we all love effects...

Not me, apparently.

> Sincerely, i miss so much the gelatinous
> windows and all that nice compiz stuff. When you show your computer to a
> windows-rules friend, that's the first thing that amazes them. I hope those
> effects are soon ported to mutter, but, instead of that, maybe a
> compatibility layer to run compiz plugins with mutter would do the trick. In
> fact, it would save you thousands of lines of code. I ignore if this is even
> possible, but that's why I ask...


> Be happy ;)
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