A view things after some time of Gnome 3 usage

Some Things I noticed when working with Gnome 3, which could be improved in my opinion. Sorry in advance if some of them where discussed or a planned already for upcoming versions... ;)

Network-manager menu
I often (have to) use VPN-Connections which are disconnecting from time to time. Unfortunately, (and in difference to gnome 2.x) the network-icon doesn't show me if the VPN-connection is active at the moment or not. I found a workaround for this by deleting the new network-menu with an extension (see below), but I hope this will be added as default feature in the future. (using the old network menu, you also have some more options like eabling/disabling notifications or a tooltip with all active connections). 
Code of the extension.js:
const Panel = imports.ui.panel;

function main() {
let i = Panel.STANDARD_TRAY_ICON_ORDER.indexOf('network');
if (i >= 0) {

Screenshots (Icon-Theme elementary-dark):

Another thing I noticed with the new Networkmanager-Configuration (maybe only a bug on my system): If I want to edit my VPN-connection-settings an I enter an incorrect root password, I get the eror "Error initializing editor - Insufficient privileges." and can't reenter the password a second time.

"Sound" menu
Being able to set the volume to more than 100% is nice, but to get the best sound quality I sometimes miss a "Set to 100%"-Entry in the popup-menu (maybe also a mute-button?). 

The suspend/shutdown button
Yes, I'm one of these people who like to shutdown the computer completely and with one single click! I know that there has been a lot of debates about this and you don't have to answer me about that. :D Please, just consider what's the problem with having a shutdown-entry under the suspend-entry. It doesn't take away *that much* space and suspend-option could also be hidden, if it's not avaliable. Deeper Hardware-Integration (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSuRy7TRHPc) is without question a good thing - but not if core-options are hidden although there avaliable. There's no way, unexperienced users will know that they have to hold down the "Alt"-key to shut down their devices, this just isn't intuitive and it sounds like a joke that I have to install an extension to get the *extra* option. Any no - I don't like to creep under my desk to use the power button - (yeah I'm also one of those old-fashioned people who still use the deskop pc more othen than a mobile device :O) 
Just wanted to say +1 IMHO! ;)

Favorites (Folders/Servers)
A way to get faster to the favorites - without having to open an nautlilus-folder - would be nice (maybe in the dash or in the panel). (I'm using an extension for this atm)

Will the notifications be seperated visually from the persistent tray icons? I think I read somewhere that it was discussed to move the tray icons to the top panel (which works good with an extension right now) but I don't know if this actually is taken into consideration for the future. It's a little bit confusing and not easy to use the context menus of the tray icons right now, I think. 

Keep up the good work. ;)
- Sven

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