Re: Thumbs up!

On Tue, 2011-04-26 at 08:11 -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
> Designing the Shell not in the way it would work best but in order to
> work with extremely limited (by modern standards) graphics drivers
> comes under 'severely cripple the Shell', in my chart.

What is "best"? For one person, this may be "consistent look across all
systems." For another "maximum number of animations per minute of use."
I'm leaning towards the former. :-)

Seriously for a second, if Apple managed to have a decent looking and
behaving desktop on an eMac (and I said before, I'm no big fan of OS X),
with no hardware acceleration whatsoever and so many years ago, things
can be done so that the fallback _resembles_ the new mode. It doesn't
have to be exactly the same, but at least similar.

And this is another problem with the overview. 3D is probably required
to all all those animations all the time, even when user really wants to
do something else.


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