UI Changes

Having common UI for small touchscreen v/s big widescreen monitors can never satisfy both extremes. Clearly for people like me some of the new UI changes make it a lot worse:
1) Activities: Earlier betas had nice Activities pane with 12 applications, places/devices and recent items nicely available with "find" box right at the mouse tip as soon as you went to Activities. Now to copy Ubuntu Unity, we have left edge bar with only applications and worst "Search" in right hand corner was a bad change.
2) Windows control: Now we have quite old-style, ugly-looking close control only. People have different favorites windows control buttons and their position. Mac-folks may like them onleft, windows-folks may want them on right. Some may be happy with only close control, some may want minimize/maximize/restore +/- shade, snap-to-left/right, if it can be easily added. So giving users choice of how many and which controls one wants, depending on how big screen and therefore window's title-bar is, would have been great.
3) Scrollbars: Someone had written about that. Again for big screens, it's size is almost a non-issue; but for small screens and particularly touchscreens, allowing easy adjustment of width or even eliminating them totally will help.
- VJ

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