Re: An intention note

Thanks, Owen

On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 21:24, Owen Taylor <otaylor redhat com> wrote:
On Sat, 2010-05-29 at 13:57 +0200, Kao Chen wrote:
> A simple intention note, in few lines, may help us to easily
> understand the main goals. We need a quickly description of the
> objectives, the main principals and some technical means to achieve
> them.

Hi Kao,

It's really not easy to say all this in a few lines! The above is what
the design document attempts to do; I'm not sure it can be compressed to
just a few lines.

Really, the best way to work on GNOME Shell design is to talk to Jon
McCann and the other designers on IRC and find out what help is needed;
what are the particular areas that need design input.

There's also a ui-review keyword in bugzilla that is applied to bugs
with a design component, but unfortunately, it's there on both bugs that
have open design questions, and bugs where the design questions have
been resolved and its waiting on implementation, so it's not that great
to search on.

There's a standard time from 18:00-20:00 UTC on Wednesdays on the channel for design discussions, but if that's
not a convenient time for you, then feel free to drop in at any time.
(Probably the most likely time to find people around is from
14:00-00:00 UTC.)

That came out well, didn't it?
No need to be shy with the info, you guys Rock majorly and you make the best software in the world, on the shoulders of mankind's strongest business model: Open Source.

Keep your plans, schedules and especially rulesets open to everyone, just as you did with this mail, and zillions of potential contributors will thank you for it!

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