Re: Re: A more recent SVG Gnome shell mockup

Has anybody played with the KDE netbook interface which is available by default on every KDE installation???
I've been playing with it all day and it pretty much works very similiar to what Gnome-shell is trying to achieve....
I think Gnome-shell could borrow a couple of ideas from this.... its awesome...

when you click on the "running apps" button on the top panel it displays an overview like gnome-shell of everything running.....

You can add New Pages to the top panel which enables you to basically use different desktops for different activities....

You can bookmark your favourite program icons into the plasma dock on the top of your screen and slide through them etc....

This is friggin Great!


On , Kao Chen <kaochen2 gmail com> wrote:
> Perfect!!
> Thank you
> 2010/6/8 doshitan doshitan gmail com>
> Here's the latest I know of:
> This is the one that should be linked to on the design page, not that old one. If I can catch McCann on IRC sometime I'll ask him to update the page when he has a chance.

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