Re: Proposal to change animation of minimized windows when going Activies -> Workspace

On Sun, 2010-01-17 at 22:08 +0200, Janne Liljeblad wrote:
> Hi,
> I think the way minimized windows are handled currently when animating
> from Activities to Workspace should be changed. 
> Here is a link to an animation mock-up I made (screenshots, Phantom2D)
> that shows current and the new, proposed behaviour:
> 1. Current Behaviour: Snap!-and-it's-gone. 
> Minimized windows first animate to position thay would have if they
> were unminimized and then just disapper. This can cause dramatic
> disorienting changes in the screen when minimized windows take full
> workspace when not minimized.
> 2. Proposed Behaviour: Minimize minimized. 
> Do minimizing animation for minimized windows when going from
> Activities to Workspace. All changes are fluid. The fact that these
> windows are minimized is communicated to the user.
> Just see the clip. The way that the browser window just disappers is
> very unsettling compared to the proposed way of animating it away.
> Thanks,
> Janne Liljeblad

Hi Janne,

I think bug 571109 [1] describes what you want. I attached a patch to
this bug that implements more or less what you are proposing yesterday
(my first patch to the GNOME project, whooo!). I haven't managed to make
the windows shrink to the center yet due do some clutter weirdness that
I don't understand. You can try it out, I would love the hear what you
think of the animation!

Best Regards,


P.S.: Sorry if you received this twice Janne, failed to press the "Reply
to All" button the first time...


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