I too was under the impression that the plan for gnome-shell was to encourage use of multiple workspaces, things make a little more sense now you've explained that it's not. I kinda worry that we have a fudamental problem here with the idea of moving window switching, workspace switching, app launching, and other things into one place - one solution for many problems runs the risk of not solving each problem the best way. The obvious example which we have had a lot of complaints about and no solutions for is window switching (I'm talking mouse based here). I'm sorry, but I don't know how to make the AO a good window switcher. Switching to the AO is too big a context change from being on the desktop. When you activate it you have to stop and think about what you're doing, particularly because there's a LOT going on in there, because it's trying to do everything. A window list is simple, obvious, fast and uncluttered, and I don't know how to make window switching in AO like that. I'm sorry, I know what you want is suggetions to make AO better, and I'd like to hear that too, but as of yet I've heard no solution. And as for the solution being to use a dock or an extention to accomplish the functionalitly of a window list, as Owen said, the goal is to make the best defualt interface, so that's what I'm talking about. One last point - Me: but I for one need a visual reminder of what windows I've got open for the current activity - it helps focus my mind on what I'm doing, what information I have available to me, what I need to do next, etc. Owen: One of our big problems with the task list going in was that we didn't feel it did that; window titles get abbreviated beyond " It may not do it perfectly, but losing the functionality completly isn't an improvement. Currently I have no way of knowing, without action, what I've got open. |