Re: Re : interapplication communication

On Fri, 2010-01-01 at 18:35 +0000, Samuel Arthur Wright Illingworth
> "And as a dock-like thing, there are many docks. You should use one
> of them."

> Telling someone to use a different product is hardly s constructive
> attitude.

I think the suggestion was simply that you can use alternative docks
along with the GNOME Shell. 

As the extension system develops, there will almost certainly be docks
implemented as GNOME Shell extensions. A GNOME Shell extension would
have advantages:

 - Full rendering power of Clutter; not just an application toplevel
 - Could modify the behavior of other parts of the shell as appropriate
 - Can access the GNOME Shell favorite applications, recent documents,.

But obviously also requires reimplementation, which is a downside.

- Owen

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