Re: Help with understanding the css for gnome shell, for the purpose of creating themes... ...

On Thu, 2010-02-25 at 09:38 +0000, dan wrote:
> Basically I haven't as yet managed to figure out how to change the 
> colouring of the text in the search field (The word "Find") which has 
> thrown up some small problems with colour schemes, mainly not being able 
> to see the word to know theres something there, the other thing is where 
> abouts would I find the code that controls the colouring of the recent 
> items section ? at the moment the text shows up as whiteish, which at 
> present is okay as the main colour scheme is grey, but this morning I 
> was experimenting with lighter colours and found that I couldn't see the 
> text in the recent items section, is there a way this can be changed as 
> well ?

It appears to me that it isn't possible to style the SearchEntry yet.

The colors are currently hardcoded at the top of js/ui/dash.js
(SEARCH_TEXT_COLOR) and I think the SearchEntry itself would have to be
rewritten (possible using StEntry) to get it to use CSS.

So at least for now it looks as though you will have to let the colors
be or change them directly in dash.js

For the recent items you should be able to add a class to
gnome-shell.css called dash-recent-docs-item - something like this:

.dash-recent-docs-item {
    color: #333333;

Hope this helps you along a bit.

Mads Villadsen <maxx krakoa dk>

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