
A few quick suggestions and comments:
- The top bar, as it follows Fitts's law, has great potential, and I don't think it's being used to the fullest (honestly, how many times a day does one click on the date/time indicator?). My suggestion is to include a Gnome Do-like search box at the top (the activities menu keeping its place on the left, the date/time applet being pushed to the right with the rest of the indicator applets, leaving all the space in the middle for the search box). This box could search through actions relative to:
- a selection (copy, bold, style, ...)
- the application (menu items, possibly toolbar items and help items)
- to the file (share, open with another app, save, save as...)
- just general, incontextual actions (open browser, open terminal, ...).
The same functionality could be used for the search box in Activities (except it couldn't be context-sensitive).
- I'd really like the Alt-tab functionality to go back to the original window-switching behavior (that's why I've left Gnome Shell and simply customized my panel to be window list-less): I'm used to switching windows with Alt-tab, and I tend to switch windows much more often than I switch applications.
- Alt-tab, although useful, is not exactly intuitive. (I know my grandma wouldn't think of it.) At least add an undistracting note somewhere describing the common shortcuts (I don't think the web is enough; again, somewhere where my grandma could see it).
- Although the window list is no longer a distraction, the often bright application icons on the black top bar background still are. Would it be possible to make the icons contrast less?
- Could there be an easy way to show the desktop, like clicking behind all the application windows in the Activities preview box?
- I really, really like what you've done with Workspaces: keep it up.
- I'd really love some easy, intuitive way to arrange windows. MS did this really well with Aero Snap.
- I could really use a keyboard layout indicator, but I'm sure that's on the way.
- I'm assuming there'll be some level of customizability in the final product?

This is a site which donates money to a custom charity when you search (Google or Yahoo!):

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