Re: Suggestion for better utilising screen space when using a workspace

Hey all,
I find myself quite often resizing windows so I can read two, three or
sometimes even four windows all at once on a single workspace. It's always
quite a fiddly process and I would love to see gnome 3 / gnome-shell support
some sort of window management allowing me to better utilise
my screen-space. I don't know if this would fall under gnome-shell's remit
or not? I've heard windows 7 allows users to have a vertical separator, I
don't know if Mac has anything like this, if it does I've not seen it.

The issue:
Monitors tend to be getting bigger and wider, having a single
window/application occupying the full window is sometimes inefficient. I
think gnome needs some way of partitioning off your workspace. 

Another alternative may be constraint-solving tiling window management
like in xmonad or scwm.


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