Re: Application Switcher Menu? (David Hamm)

> Reiner Jung wrote:
> this top menu thing is not that confusing you are just not used to it.
> This is one thing most people have to learn a bit when they switch from
> Windows to MacOS

I as well have a Mac at work as a primary computer, however I tend to bring in my x200 Ubuntu laptop almost daily, to actually get work done.
Ironically, despite the smaller screen size I find it easier to multitask using the standard gnome interface, thanks in part to the works spaces and taskbar.
Microsoft's market control aside, the task bar has been around for over a decade and its primary concept hasn't changed. To give the user over-site at all times - give the user as much control as necessary and let him/her organize the information. Its hard to argue with a concept that has worked so well for such a long time. The fact that people arn't flocking to osx is also proof. Although I'll admit their hardware design is very sheik.

It seems to me by apple using a global menubar in osx they are trying to teach the user to not even bother customizing their experience. And instead rather deal with what we gave you, we made it perfect already.

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