Re: Updated GNOME-2 packages?

Toralf Lund <toralf kscanners com> writes:
> > A new gnomehide may be appearing that's based on rawhide, once we
> > release rawhide as a stable version.
> Stable rawhide? Is this something new?

Eventually rawhide becomes a release, such as 7.3. This is what I mean
by "when we release rawhide"
Yes, of course. It struck me that that was perhaps what you meant, after I sent my mail...

> > It's probably possible to get the rawhide SRPMs to build on 7.3
> > without _that_ much effort, but you'd have to know a lot about gnome
> > and RPMs.
> The problem with Raw Hide is that there is so much there, and it's
> hard to find out what you need to update just one component of the OS,
> like GNOME. Which is why I really liked GNOMEhide. Apart from that, I
> think I'm getting close to knowing everything there is to be known
> about RPMs...
> Just a thought: How about setting up a "GNOME(hide) SRPMS" area,
> simply containing copies of the GNOME-related RPMs in Raw Hide? I for
> one would find this very helpful; I don't think I would require much
> more help to do the actual build, once I knew exactly what was
> involved.

Right, I'll look at it. I can append a list of SRPMs for now, it
should be mostly accurate.
Thanks. I had a go at building yesterday, and got a lot up and running, but of course I'd overlooked about 1/3 of the dependencies, so your list is very welcome. - I'm testing this on the new home computer I'm building, which isn't connected to the Net yet. (Nope, I haven't had one of those for years; I've generally got my share of during working hours.)

BTW, something I don't like is the redhat-artwork dependency, which in turn means KDE and Qt are needed, but perhaps there is a simple way around this? Building without redhat-menus was easy...

- Toralf

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