Re: Updated GNOME-2 packages?

Toralf Lund <toralf kscanners com> writes:
> Will there be another round of GNOME2 packages in Red Hat 7.3
> GNOMEhide any time soon? My system is somewhat unreliable after
> installing the (prerelease, I assume) ones there now, but I'd rather
> not go back to GNOME 1.4. Also, I prefer not to install Raw Hide or
> beta packages as doing so requires to many changes; I want to have
> STABLE base libraries.

Most likely no; gnomehide moved into rawhide a while back, when it
acquired fontconfig/Xft2/redhat-artwork and other rawhide

A new gnomehide may be appearing that's based on rawhide, once we
release rawhide as a stable version.

It's probably possible to get the rawhide SRPMs to build on 7.3
without _that_ much effort, but you'd have to know a lot about gnome
and RPMs.


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