Re: 7.3 gnomehide updated

Has anyone got the capplets in the version of sawfish distributed with the hide to work with the new contol-center or libcapplet0?
Calling one of the capplets gives results like these:

	$ sawfish-capplet-appearance
	** WARNING **: Unable reach the control-center.

Rebuilding with ./configure --disable-capplet fails and the dependency on control-center-devel replaced by one on libcapplet0-devel fails with
    File not found: /var/tmp/sawfish-root/usr/bin/sawfish-capplet
    File not found: /var/tmp/sawfish-root/usr/share/control-center/Sawfish
File not found: /var/tmp/sawfish-root/usr/share/gnome/apps/Settings/Sawfish

Also, the fonts in gnome2 based applications and on the desktop appears _HUGE_. The only (somewhat) usable fonts are the 8 point condenced ones. This is rather annoying.
My Xserver has a resoloution of about 124 dp (1540*1024 laptop screen). 
I can get smaller fonts by explicitly specifying a lower dpi in the 
Xserver but this seems like kludge...

Any suggestions?


Havoc Pennington wrote:

7.3 gnomehide now has Evolution 1.0.5 (from Jeremy) and another round
of GNOME 2 packages.

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