GNOME-QA Minutes

We recently had a google hangouts.  Here are the minutes for that.  We
will probably need a way to store all these minutes on the wiki.  But
for now:

Attendees; Vadim, Gayatri, Shivani, Sri

* what was the sri's idea to sending mail  -  there was three ideas:
     * One, we want to do automated testing on various GNOME components
     * Second, we want to do GUI testing using dogtail on GNOME components
     * Three, we want to do recruitment, but we need everything in
place before we can do that, otherwise you lose volunteers, not only
        there be good documentation and tasks, but also a plan to make
it sustaining so that volunteers don't lose interest

* Documentation - Shivani has written some documentation, Gayathri and
Shivani will collaborate and work on improving the documentation
   * Currently, focused on dogtail - because it was the first thing
that Shivani had to work on -
      * Shivani tried to work on gnome weather, Giovanni is the
maintainer of weather.

action: Send out a list of applications that we
GnomeLove's list of CoreApps which need help:

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