Re: [gpm] command line for laptop-lid-close behavior

Am 26.09.2011 11:36, schrieb Richard Hughes:
> On 21 September 2011 21:36, h.lekin <h lekin gmx net> wrote:
>> I wish to script the laptop-lid-close behavior which is accessible
>> through the Power-Management-Preferences GUI.  Can someone tell me the
>> respective command line, please.
> gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power lid-close-ac-action foo
> gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power
> lid-close-battery-action foo
> where foo is hibernate, suspend, shutdown, blank or nothing.
> Hope that helps.
gsettings? That's beyond 10.04?

However, 'gconftool-2 --type string --set
/apps/gnome-power-manager/buttons/lid_ac foo' works in my script.

Thanks for the reply,

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