Re: [gpm] Use in embedded devices

On 8 October 2010 10:51, Alex <langabe gmail com> wrote:
> Is the gpm able to interpret these values?

No, but UPower is, and g-p-m reads data from upower.

> Also, I am confused as to how the division is between user and kernel space when
> managing power. In my example I have a battery and a charger accessed through a
> power management IC that can read battery voltage and current, control the
> charger and it also provides a coulomb counter.


> the system is turned on gpm can ascertain what the charge level is and then use
> the coulomb counter to keep track on it.
> Is there a framework in gpm to perform this battery characterization?

Not in g-p-m, but in upower. THe code is currently disabled due to
bugs, but it would be pretty easy to fix.

> And finally, does the gpm have the functionality of activating the charger when
> the battery level is low, and changing power levels (including suspend)
> depending
> on the battery level?

No, but this kind of mechanism could very easily live inside upower.
If I were you, i would use upower as a backend and mechanism, and
write a simple custom policy agent for your device replacing g-p-m.
g-p-m is very focused towards desktops, not embedded.


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