Re: [gpm] Waiting for patch review for 9 months

On 26 November 2010 02:00, Alex Launi <alex launi gmail com> wrote:
> Hi everyone, I posted a very simple patch for friendlier notifications 9
> months ago, still waiting for a review. I just updated it to apply to
> current trunk.

Apologies. Bugzilla is a horrible way for people in interact, and
you've done the right thing and emailed me. If you do IRC, I'm also
hughsie on Gimpnet and freenode and that gets you an instant response.

Anyway, for the patch:

 	if (kind == UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY) {
 		/* TRANSLATORS: laptop battery is now discharging */
-		title = _("Battery Discharging");
+		title = _("AC power disconnected");

This is fine, although perhaps "Using battery power" might be clearer.

 		if (remaining_text != NULL) {
 			/* TRANSLATORS: tell the user how much time they have got */
 			message = g_strdup_printf (_("%s of battery power remaining
(%.0f%%)"), remaining_text, percentage);
 		} else {
-			message = g_strdup_printf ("%s (%.0f%%)", device_desc, percentage);
+			message = g_strdup_printf (_("%.0f%% of %s remaining"),
percentage, device_desc);

Two things. If you're adding a translator string, you need to add a
comment above starting with TRANSLATORS: and then a hint to what the
string is and how to translate it. The other is that translators hate
string surgery, and would much prefer a string like "_("%.0f%% battery
power remaining")

 	} else if (kind == UP_DEVICE_KIND_UPS) {
 		/* TRANSLATORS: UPS is now discharging */
-		title = _("UPS Discharging");
+		title = _("Running on UPS power");

"Using UPS power"?

 		if (remaining_text != NULL) {
 			/* TRANSLATORS: tell the user how much time they have got */
 			message = g_strdup_printf (_("%s of UPS backup power remaining
(%.0f%%)"), remaining_text, percentage);
 		} else {
-			message = g_strdup (gpm_device_to_localised_string (device));
-			message = g_strdup_printf ("%s (%.0f%%)", device_desc, percentage);
+			message = g_strdup_printf (_("%.0f%% of %s remaining"),
percentage, device_desc);

"7% of UPS remaining" -- it makes it sounds like the UPS is vanishing
into thin air? what about "7% of UPS power remaining"


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