[gpm] translatable strings with unclear meaning


1. Could you explain what the %s's mean? Are both used to tell the
time? Is one of them the name of a device?
"%s %s remaining"

2. Translators: This is %2i minutes %02i seconds

I see there's no 's' for seconds at the end of the string. Is there
something like that printed in the program? Should the translations
add a 's' if appropriate in that language?

3. What is the %s in
"%s of UPS backup power remaining (%.0f%%)"

Is it the time? Like "1 hour", "2 hours 3 minutes".  In Romanian the
verb's number must match the number of the subject. In Romanian if the
first component of the time is singular (e.g. 1h23m43s, 1m32s, 1s) the
verb is singular, else plural. How can this be coded into the

Please CC me as I'm not subscribed.

..: Lucian

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