Re: [gpm] (gnome-)power-manager

Arnaud Quette wrote:
2008/2/25, Tomáš Šafařík <safarik server cz>:

 I'd like to ask (or consider it as suggestion) if developers of g-p-m
 ever tought about idea of making g-m-p more like network-manager. I mean
 having independent daemon and set of clients for gnome, kde, console
 etc. i was thinking abut this recently and also previous Dan's email
 reminded me this.

This is not the first time I see such a request, and it would make the
life easier for our KDE / Xfce / <insert your prefered WM / env

Agree, +1. It seems to be make sense to have such a desktop-neutral PM daemon. Since D-Bus and hal are both desktop-neutral, desktop-neutral g-p-m daemon is possible.As of now, an unified D-Bus interfaces "org.freedesktop.PowerManagement" is well designed, see

This daemon must be a system-wide daemon. So, one problem I can see is this system-wide daemon looks more like a *hal addon*. If so, why not put into HAL directly.

I guess Richard has more ideas about the next generation of GPM, please refer to Perhaps we should add the above request to there too.


Moreover, this would also:
- federate the various FLOSS PM effort, and gather more resource to
work on this,
- solve the UPS support problem for Integrated Power Management on
servers (so console only).
Well I don't see the need for console support apart from the above, or
possibly resurrecting an old laptop as a "headless" server...

Maybe logging a feature request in the tracker would help.


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