Re: Syncing Question

Hey Matt,
Thanks for the reply!

On Thu, 2009-07-23 at 11:30 +0100, Matt Davey wrote:
> Hi Josh,
> On Wed, 2009-07-22 at 13:54 -0400, Joshua Ronne Altemoos wrote:
> > Hey Yall!
> > 
> > Hey, I am using Ubuntu 9.04 and a Palm Centro (VZW 1.03)
> > 
> > I got everything able to sync with Evolution, but for some reason it
> > refuses to send birthdays, and anniversary.
> Yes, unfortunately birthdays, anniversaries and contact photos (at
> least) are not supported currently.  There are a couple of bugs in
> Evolution contact handling that are blocking development of these
> features.  The main one blocking me is:
Ah thats a problem that. My temporarily fix instead of using Evolution
for everything, having outlook still running in VBox, so I can have the
pictures and all of the misc information on my phone, and then setting
Gnome-Pilot to "Copy From PDA" I guess is the only thing I can really

> > Also, is there a way to sync two calendars with a device? Evolution
> > separates Birthdays and Anniversary into a separate calendar.
> If you have an up to date version of Evolution you can sync categories
> between Evo and Palm.  It's not equivalent to separate calendars, of
> course, but you might be able to make some use of it.  A feature request
> for gnome-pilot is to support mapping Evo calendars to palm categories,
> but that's not likely to happen any time soon unless someone steps up to
> implement it.
> Sorry not to be more encouraging.
> You can check out the "jpilot" package if you want more complete syncing
> without the Evolution integration.
Thanks for the information. I will have to look into it, but I never
liked the Palm Desktop. 
> Matt
> Matt Davey		Many candles can be kindled from one candle 
> mcdavey mrao cam ac uk 	    without diminishing it.  -- the Midrash
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> gnome-pilot-list gnome org

Thanks for the reply. I hope somehow these bugs can be fixed so complete
syncing can be complete.


Josh Altemoos
joshua wolfnix net
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