Re: Further dev work?

I installed all of the ones you mentioned, all of their dependencies and recommended packages.

I've gotten most of what I think I need installed, but the fails with the following: "configure: error: Unable to find pi-version.h" I did a couple of searches in synaptic, but nothing turned up. Which package(s) do I need to install now?

On Jan 2, 2008 5:00 AM, Matt Davey < mcdavey mrao cam ac uk> wrote:
Hi Evan,

On Tue, 2008-01-01 at 16:31 -0500, Evan wrote:
> I have kludged together something that should hopefully add a "install
> file" option to the right-click menu. When clicked, it should pop up a
> gtk message box informing the user that they should drag the file onto
> the applet.
> I understand the concept of compiling and make files and that sort of
> thing, but having only ever used .net and java before, I'm not sure
> what process to follow to test my code. It seems to me that the first
> step would be to download the entire source directory so that the
> compiler can build/link it properly. Is there an easy way to do that,
> or will I have to download each file individually?

Looks like you will be on a bit of a learning curve!

You can check out the gnome-pilot source tree using 'svn':
 svn co gnome-pilot

To build from source you will need to install a number of development
packages (to install the header files for all the packages gnome-pilot
needs to integrate with).  You will also need to install any missing
build tools like autoconf and libtool.

On Ubuntu, for example, I needed to install the following:
and many others (I didn't keep a list, unfortunately...)

Once that is in place, you should be able to build using: && make install
I often use ' --prefix=/tmp/gp' to build a version of
gnome-pilot that installs in /tmp/gp to avoid clobbering the system
version.  It's okay for testing, but you won't have access to the system
conduits, for example.


Matt Davey        If the rich could hire other people to die for them, the
mcdavey mrao cam ac uk  poor could make a wonderful living - Yiddish Proverb

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