Syncing photos

I've just joined this list, so please forgive me if there is a specific protocol for suggesting new features, but I have something I think should be added (and as far as I know it won't take much work). While dragging files to the applet works if they are prc or pdb files, the most recent generation of palm pilots also include a photo viewer. When installing a file other that a prc or pdb, it doesn't work.

Currently the only way to add a photo to a palm is to use the utility here:
As described in the article here:

The utility compiles and functions properly under Ubuntu Gutsy beta, and is released under the Mozilla Public License. I believe that it would be quite simple to include this utility as part of gnome-pilot, and have the applet recognize when it is being asked to sync a jpg rather than a prc or pdb. It would then convert the photo to a pdb with the utility and copy it at the next sync using the pre-existing file conduit.

What do you think?


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