Re: MAL conduit doesn't work

On Wed, 2007-02-28 at 12:03 -0600, Stuart Luppescu wrote:
> For some reason, the MAL conduit hasn't worked since last summer. In
> fact, trying to sync with MAL used to crash gpilotd, so I disabled it. I
> recently upgraded to gnome-pilot (and conduits) 2.0.15 so I tried MAL
> again. It didn't crash, but I'm now getting these messages:

I'm sure it hasn't been ported to the changes in pilot-link 0.12.x that
have been released in the last handful of versions. Quite a lot has
changed and mal needs to be updated. 

I should also note that I've had libmal and friends in my public CVS for
over 7 years, and given access to those who need to maintain it (Tom
Whittaker, Jason Day, etc.) So far, nobody has committed any updates,
and my schedule is getting busier these days with entrepreneurial work,
so it may be stagnant. 

MalSync and libmal are both in there... they just need to be updated to
current, to match pilot-link's changes. 

> I checked my user name and password on the avantgo web site, and made
> sure they were what was entered in the Avantgo settings dialog on my
> Palm, but no success. 

Why do you use AvantGo at all, when there are better, faster, freer
alternatives out there, giving you more flexibility, more features, a
smaller footprint, a completely open and documented data format, more
supported platforms and devices and an active development team? :) 

I'm speaking of course, about Plucker. We did a breakdown a few years
ago here:

And here are some examples of what you can do with it:



David A. Desrosiers
desrod gnu-designs com
Skype username: setuid
”Always strive to silence the voices that oppose you."

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