Re: Tre 755

On Wed, 2007-08-15 at 07:55 -0400, Jeff Maxwell wrote:
> I am running Fedora 7 and in attempting to run the gPilot set up to
> establish the connection, the Treo times out.  gPilot never gets
> connected.  

> I've tried different settings - using USB etc. 

Did you verify that your device's settings are properly listed in
the /usr/share/gnome-pilot/devices.xml file? 

Did you make the same sort of changes to the Linux kernel you're using
so the visor module can also recognize it? 

Are your udev rules correct for this device? 

David A. Desrosiers
desrod gnu-designs com
setuid gmail com
Skype...: 860-967-3820

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