Re: Network sync doesn't run without pluged USB (Palm TX)

On Wed, 2005-11-16 at 15:27 +0100, Andy Beuth wrote:
> Hi,
> thats no good news.. Thanx
> Anybody know how to simulate a USB device is plugged?

For people who are interested, the reason for the behaviour seen by Andy
(and the reason that the 'hack' to configure a 'USB' device with a
'net:any' device name) is that, when these devices start a network
hotsync they also appear as a USB device if they're connected.  Hence,
gnome-pilot sees a USB palm device and then asks pilot-link to sync on
the 'net:any' device, so the network sync then proceeds.

However, gnome-pilot pure 'netsync' mode doesn't (yet) work properly,
because it isn't listening on the right port to wake up.  It only works
when the wakeup happens via USB....


Matt Davey		What has four legs and one arm?	
mcdavey mrao cam ac uk 	     A happy Rottweiler.

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