Unable to Sync my T2 with gnome pilot using USB

I have previously synced my Palm devices on Linux using USB one or 2
years ago with no problem. Coming back to this way of doing, it seems
more difficult now but I probably missed something.


- A Palm T2 that successfully syncs with HotSync/Windows on USB

- a linux laptop with Debian unstable running, udev and hal
(Yes, I did tried to move to a recent kernel) gnome 2.12.2, pilot-link
0.11.8, gnome-pilot 2.0.12.
I use the pilot-applet, set the device to /dev/ttyUSB1 (which is created
by udev on Sync) and the timeout to 100.

I sync using a USB cable (the same I use on windows).

Basically, when I try to sync nothing happens. No sound from the Palm
which eventually times out.

I looked to the list archives, so here is the most obvious information
specialists may require:

USB device:

T:  Bus=02 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=01 Cnt=01 Dev#= 15 Spd=12  MxCh= 0
D:  Ver= 1.10 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS=64 #Cfgs=  1
P:  Vendor=0830 ProdID=0060 Rev= 1.00
S:  Manufacturer=Palm, Inc.
S:  Product=Palm Handheld
S:  SerialNumber=303055375039473344303045
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=c0 MxPwr=  2mA
I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 4 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=visor
E:  Ad=82(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=0ms
E:  Ad=03(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=0ms
E:  Ad=08(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=0ms
E:  Ad=89(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=0ms

The device vendor/id is correctly registered
in /usr/share/gnome-pilot/devices.xml as a palmT.

Permissions ?
>ls -l /dev/ttyUSB*
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 1 2006-02-22 19:18 /dev/ttyUSB1

and I'm a member of the dialout group.

I removed the pilot-applet and run gpilotd in a shell:

1) I start gpilotd then click the Sync button on palm screen:

[ibon:/dev] gpilotd
gpilotd-Message: gnome-pilot 2.0.12 starting...
gpilotd-Message: compiled for pilot-link version 0.11.8
gpilotd-Message: compiled with [VFS] [USB] [IrDA] [Network]
gpilotd-Message: Activating CORBA server
gpilotd-Message: bonobo_activation_active_server_register = 0
gpilotd-Message: Regarde Cradle (/dev/ttyUSB1)
gpilotd-Message: Found 4766, 0001
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 0502, 0736
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 091e, 0004
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 082d, 0100
gpilotd-Message: Using net FALSE
gpilotd-Message: Found 082d, 0200
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 082d, 0300
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 0830, 0001
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 0830, 0002
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 0830, 0003
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 0830, 0020
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 0830, 0031
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 0830, 0040
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 0830, 0050
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 0830, 0060
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 0830, 0070
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 0830, 0080
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 04e8, 8001
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 04e8, 6601
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 054c, 0038
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 054c, 0066
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 054c, 0095
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 054c, 009a
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 054c, 00c9
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 054c, 00da
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 054c, 00e9
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 054c, 0144
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 054c, 0169
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: Found 12ef, 0100
gpilotd-Message: Using net TRUE
gpilotd-Message: setting PILOTRATE=57600

(gpilotd:21058): gpilotd-WARNING **: pi_accept_to: Connexion termin\xe9e
par expiration du d\xe9lai d'attente

(gpilotd:21058): gpilotd-WARNING **: pi_accept_to: timeout was 100 secs
gpilotd-Message: setting PILOTRATE=57600

(gpilotd:21058): gpilotd-WARNING **: pi_accept_to: Connexion termin\xe9e
par expiration du d\xe9lai d'attente

(gpilotd:21058): gpilotd-WARNING **: pi_accept_to: timeout was 100 secs
gpilotd-Message: setting PILOTRATE=57600

(gpilotd:21058): gpilotd-WARNING **: pi_accept_to: Connexion termin\xe9e
par expiration du d\xe9lai d'attente

(gpilotd:21058): gpilotd-WARNING **: pi_accept_to: timeout was 100 secs
gpilotd-Message: setting PILOTRATE=57600

(gpilotd:21058): gpilotd-WARNING **: pi_accept_to: Connexion termin\xe9e
par expiration du d\xe9lai d'attente

(gpilotd:21058): gpilotd-WARNING **: pi_accept_to: timeout was 100 secs
gpilotd-Message: setting PILOTRATE=57600

(gpilotd:21058): gpilotd-WARNING **: pi_accept_to: Connexion termin\xe9e
par expiration du d\xe9lai d'attente

(gpilotd:21058): gpilotd-WARNING **: pi_accept_to: timeout was 100 secs
gpilotd-Message: setting PILOTRATE=57600

(gpilotd:21058): gpilotd-WARNING **: pi_accept_to: Connexion termin\xe9e
par expiration du d\xe9lai d'attente

(gpilotd:21058): gpilotd-WARNING **: pi_accept_to: timeout was 100 secs
gpilotd-Message: Quit (has caught SIGINT)...

I tried the other way around (first sync on palm then gpilotd) with the
same result.

I have exhausted my list of ideas. I hope some fresh eyes will see the


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