Re: Why pilot-getrom can't get full rom image from a m515?

On 5/23/05, Matt Davey <mcdavey mrao cam ac uk> wrote:

> xcopilot was superceded by POSE, the Palm OS Emulator.  POSE
> doesn't support OS5, and I don't know if it'll solve your
> problem, but it's worth a try.  Download binary releases from:

I've already been down this particular road when I got my Zire 31. 
POSE definitely doesn't do OS5 (I suspect because of the multiple CPU
types) and it looks like Palm may even be dropping the open-source
approach towards the emulator/debugger--what they have for OS5 is a
whole 'nother program that only runs under Win32 and is apparently
proprietary.  I haven't been desperate enough to try to run it under
WineX or Cedega but I'm leaning towards thinking that it should be
able to work under either of those.

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