Re: MAL and AvantGo

> After Googling around for a while, it seems that some people have 
> approximately zero trouble getting AvantGo to work with 
> gnome-pilot's MAL conduit.  I have had no success myself.

	Does malsync on its own work? I just tried it here with the 
latest (broken and bloated) AvantGo 5.7 Build 35 client. It definately 
works (after some slight code modifications to Malsync to allow it to 
build against 0.12.0 of pilot-link, but your 0.11.8 version should be 
no issue).

> I have an AG account.  I enter the UID and passwd for that account, 
> and AG tells me that I should sync to receive new content.  When I 
> sync, there is no new content, and the passwd is reset to 
> 'unassigned' in AG.

	Did you set up AvantGo's server and delete the "New Server" 
account in AGConnect? When you successfully connect, the credentials 
are stored and made permanent. 

David A. Desrosiers
desrod gnu-designs com

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