Re: Synching with two computers

On Wed, 2005-04-13 at 22:43, David A. Desrosiers wrote:
> > If 
> > this leaves you scratching your head thinking "why the heck would 
> > anybody want to do that" I will not waste the bandwidth.
> 	Second, your attitude sucks.

Just as a second opinion, I didn't read Tom's original post as an
insult.  David's dead right, of course, that any diagnosis or practical
help will require more detail, but I think Tom acknowledged that up

If you search the archives for this list you will see many problems
reported with Evolution syncing, some general and some more specific. 
Try searching for 'duplicate', for example.  I can't think of any that
have managed to reduce the problem to a simple reproducible scenario. 
If you can reduce the problem to something that reliably occurs with a
very small address book (like, two entries, say) and you can outline the
steps to reproduce it, that'd be a huge help.

Also, make sure you understand the sync logic that kicks in with
multiple machines.  If records change on device and desktop then
duplicates are created and it is up to the user to delete one of them. 
This aims to avoid data loss, obviously.

My own suspicion is that Evolution sometimes reorders entries in a (say)
address record, and then perceives them as changed, and duplicates.  I'm
basing this on not much more than noticing that when I occasionally get
duplicates that there are differences between them: perhaps the mobile
and email fields have reversed, or a custom field has disappeared.


Matt Davey        Two cannibals eating a clown. One says to the other
mcdavey mrao cam ac uk 	"Does this taste funny to you?"

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