Re: [Somewhat OT] hotsync devices don't show up in kernel 2.6

On 日, 2004-01-11 at 18:32, David A. Desrosiers wrote:
> > Since I upgraded my kernel to 2.6 the devices I use for hotsync don't
> > show up anymore. I used /dev/usb/tts/1 with the 2.4 kernel, but these
> > don't appear now. When I push the hotsync button, the visor module is
> > loaded and the device is registered:
> 	Which usb core module are you using? uhci_hcd?

These are the modules that are loaded:

hci_usb                12096  0 
ohci_hcd               28224  0 
ehci_hcd               33216  0 


> 	What happens when you point it to a device you've created,
> statically, with the proper major,minor values using mknod? Does it work
> then?

I did mknod /dev/ttyUSB0 c 188 0
and   mknod /dev/ttyUSB1 c 188 1

That doesn't work, either. It says, Device not found on /dev/ttyUSB1,
Did you hit HotSync? and then it says, Unable to bind to port:

Disappointing. I thought this would work.

s-luppescu .at.

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