Re: SNAFU: Incomplete installs, no conduits available, precompiled packages not working

Security updates are available using this line in sources.list:

deb stable/updates main contrib non-free

Sometimes, it's better to put simple questions to google to get simple
answers :-) But anyway, this doesn't solve the conflict problems
mentioned. See previous post for details.

On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 22:53, Lars Weissflog wrote:
> Here we have at least two problems: From the sources I have in my list,
> only versions .1 of libcomerr1-heimdal and libroken9-heimdal can be
> found, no .8 version, see below:

> Apparently, the official woody archives do not contain a .8 version.
> Maybe all I have to do is to add a deb line for "security-related
> updates" ? But I didn't find any such with google. So maybe its only
> kind of RTFM-Problem I have with your package.
> So, this is it. Maybe all is fine if I had an entry in my sources.list
> from which apt can get those two .8 Version. But I don't think so. I
> managed to find them from and installed them via
> dpkg. Afterwards, .8 versions were available, but apt still didn't want
> to install your evo package. If you could supply me with proper entries
> for sources.list, maybe I get it to work or can narrow the problem down
> further. 
Using the line posted on top of this message gives the .8-versions, but
the conflict remains.

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