Re: GPILOTD Memofile Sync crash

On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 16:09, Lars Weissflog wrote:

> Above is all just for info, BUT:
> I have the memo-problem, too. Even after all this new stuff seems to be
> in place. And there is something more I wonder: In the config
> pilot-settings dialog of gnome, there are no
> - address
> - calendar
> conduits listed. Where have they gone? Have they never been there? Cant
> remember, it's so long ago...
> When syncing with gpilotd, they seem to be executed. Any ideas?

Well, to my knowledge there's no port of the old Gnome-pim package to
gtk+-2.0, which is where those came from in 1.4.x.  If you're using
Evolution and have it built with palm conduit support (or have merely
installed a build that does) you should at least see ecalendar and
eaddress appearing.

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