Re: sync issues with evo 1.2.1 on RH8.0

On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 14:42, David M. Cvet wrote:
> I feel better that I am not the only one with issues with respect to the 
> inability to sync a palm with evo on linux (specifically RH 8.0).  Also, 
> I can see that others sharing this difficulty have resorted to JPilot as 
> a "backup" solution which I have done as well.
> However, I'd really like to get evo working with my palm and aside from 
> numerous references to more lists than one can shake a stick at, I'd 
> like to ask if anyone has experience this particular problem and 
> resolved it. 

Hi David,

I've had this problem and solved it by opening the Pilot Settings
window, from Evolution's Tools menu, just before I sync. It seems the
gpilot daemon doesn't recognise the sysc call. If I do this, I sync
perfectly with USB.

I don't know if anyone else has had this experience. Is it worth telling

RH 8.0
pilot-link version 0.11.5
Evolution 1.2.1
Palm M125 OS 4.0.1



> I'd like to understand the diagnostic steps to determine 
> exactly what the problem is and therefore, figure what the resolution 
> would be.  Here are the particulars:
> - platform: RH 8.0, Gnome 2.0
> - evo: 1.2.1
> - gpilot: gnome-pilot 0.1.71 and pilot-link 0.11.6
> - palm OS: 3.5
> - device: Treo 270
> - sync info: able to sync up with J-Pilot, able to backup Treo to linux 
> using command-line interface and pilot-xfer
> - with evo, fails to make a connection
> Any advice and council would be appreciated.
> /dc

Chris Nicol

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