Ray Carlino wrote: > I am new to this list and new to the Samsung I330. > I have been trying to get this connected to use with Linux but having > no luck.. > Any ideas or suggestions please.... It doesn't work. Sorry. I patched the 2.4.20 kernel so it would be recognized and connected with the visor driver, and sent that patch to this list and pilot-link, latest version to pilot-link: http://lists.pilot-link.org/pipermail/pilot-link-devel/2003-February/000407.html But it doesn't sync. Since USB is the only option for that phone (since my Sony Vaio's IR is not supported by Linux), and Samsung was unwilling to help, I returned it for a Treo 300. The Treo also doesn't work yet via USB, but (reportedly) has a serial cable, and gives some good debugging info. When I get some time (in about two weeks), I'll use my new (free) Handspring developer status to request technical help for this. It's possible the Treo and I330 work the same way, in which case patches I develop for the Treo will make the I330 work too... Are you willing to wait a bit, and/or help develop the driver yourself? Zeen,
-- Ray Carlino <rcarlino attbi com> |