Re: Treo 300 fails :-(

David A. Desrosiers wrote:

Another one bites the dust.  The just-purchased Treo 300 fails to sync,
but in a different way from the Samsung i330.  Good news first: it's
recognized on the USB port with no new kernel patches! :-)
	The Handspring Treo90 and Treo300 do not work with Linux.

Akhaa! Thanks. I guess my list archive and google searches weren't thorough enough.
Is there a hardware compatibility list anywhere?  I don't see one on or
Akhaa, found something on the new 2.5 driver.  And found the driver 
changes in the 2.5.51-58 patches.  Sounds like I need to try 2.5 (ekh!) 
or try to backport...  There seem to be some USB driver changes, like to 
the usb_serial_device_type struct, not yet clear what's needed for the 
driver and what's just to conform to interface changes...
Is anyone else working on, or thinking about, a backport?  Where is the 
discussion on this?  The list archives on are 
all closed to non-members -- is that where everything is happening?
I just want something that works... or does that necessarily mean...
(gasp) Windows?  I think I've shown I'm very willing to try stuff, if
somebody will give me stuff to try!
	Or a serial cable.

Ah, yes. If this had been an option for the Samsung, I would have tried it (store staff didn't seem to think it was).
Oh well.  I'd be happy help in any way with the driver.


-Adam P.

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