Syncing Samsung i500 - Need Help

I just got a Samsung i500 phone/PDA - quite cool phone. But, it doesn't
sync with Evolution on my Linux box.
Details: I am running Red Hat 9.0, and Evolution 1.4.5. 
Also, I still have a Visor, and can't sync that device either. When I
was running Red Hat 8, I could sync Evolution and my Visor, but since I
have installed RH 9, I haven't been able to sync the Visor.
Any & all suggestions would be appreciated!
Steven P. Auerbach            steven p auerbach saic com
SAIC, MS C/4                  858-826-6493 (office)
10260 Campus Pt. Drive        619-723-1270 (cell/page)    
San Diego, CA 92121-1522      858-826-6587 (fax)

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