gpilot, evolution without gnome desktop


I was just wondering, whether you can sync to evolution using
gnome-pilot, but without the gnome desktop?

Basically I get bored with my window manager every 3/4 months, and have
to start using something else.  Now Gnome has lasted quite a whiel now,
btu I do feel the need for a change:-)

However I'm well hooked on the Evolution/gpilot/PalmIIIxe combo!

Anybody else out there not using the gnome desktop, but syncing away
with evolution?

I'm using Debian Sid.


  Chris Lindley                                  
  chris lindley scotgate org     chrishl bmb leeds ac uk
  ICQ#157144010	     AIM#fergycool     jabber#fergy
  Climb up it or kayak down it!!!

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