Re: MemoFile conduit crashing


I have the same RPM packages as you installed on a RedHat 7.2 machine
(with some kernel related updates from 7.3). I have been using the memo
file conduit for quite a long time without any problems. Maybe you have
some corrupted files for the memo conduit, check the file
~/.gnome/gnome-pilot.d/memo_file-conduit. Mine looks like:

open secret=false
secret mode=0600
file mode=0600
dir mode=0700
ignore end=
ignore start=

Replace Pilot_10459 and dir=... by whatever is appropriate for your
setup. You can get the pilot ID from the file
~/.gnome/gnome-pilot.d/gpilotd (mine is 10459).

Good luck,


> Hi,
> I am running the following packages on RedHat 7.2 with Ximian Gnome:
> pilot-link-0.9.5-ximian.2
> gnome-pilot-0.1.65-1.ximian.1
> gnome-pilot-conduits-0.8-ximian.1
> gnome-pim-1.4.7-1.ximian.1
> gnome-pim-conduits-1.4.7-1.ximian.1
> When I try and enable the MemoFile conduit I get the following error:
> Application "gpilotd-control-applet" has crashed due to a fatal error.
> Segmentaton fault.
> Does anybody have syncing their memos working? Or does anybody know what
> might be causing this  problem? I have never been able to get this
> working.
> Thanks,
> Andy
> -- 
> work:
> play:

Diego Santa Cruz
PhD. student
Publications available at
Signal Processing Institute (LTS1 / ITS / STI)
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL)
EPFL - STI - ITS, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
E-mail:     Diego SantaCruz epfl ch
Phone:      +41 - 21 - 693 26 57
Fax:        +41 - 21 - 693 76 00

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