Re: network syncing

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> I used the cvs version of gnome-pilot.

	That's the first mistake. Don't use the cvs version, use the release
of gnome-pilot 0.1.65. You can find it on the site buried in
'Unstable' IIRC.

> BTW which is the IRC channel?

	Not to derail the work of those on, but there's a
#pilot-link channel on where we can be found hanging out.

> scotgate2:/dev# pilot-xfer -p 'net://' -l

	I just tested that, and apparently it doesn't work like I thought,
but using 'net:' (without the quotes) does. Like this:

	./pilot-xfer -p net: -l

	Then in/on another window/machine, run:

	./pi-nredir -p /dev/ttyUSB1

	..and it will connect and list the files.

> I think there is one part of this that I am just misunderstanding!! But
> what is that???  :-)

	Here's the rundown. gnome-pilot 0.1.66 should be out soon, which
will include support for USB devices natively, so I may not have to keep
repeating this soon. Follow these instructions as closely as possible:

	1. Download gnome-pilot 0.1.65 from

	2. Unpack into some temporary directory

	3. Grab the gnome-pilot.patch file from the following site:

	4. cd /that/dir/gnome-pilot-0.1.65 (Note: *NONE* of this should be
	   done as root, unless specified otherwise)

	5. cat /path/to/gnome-pilot.patch | patch -p0

	   This will patch cleanly. If it does not, you have done something
	   wrong. The files should md5sum to the following:

	   ac5b833ed0388936f3baceb7f8d5ed46  gnome-pilot-0.1.65.tar.bz2
	   f50c6d977f5c1c3729bb88a763356de4  gnome-pilot.patch

	6. ./configure

	   It should run successfully, and result in the following:

	  Configuration :

	          gnome-vfs    : no
	          network sync : yes
	          usb          : yes
	          oaf          : no
	          gob          : no
	          pilot-link   : 0.11.3

	  If you do not see pilot-link 0.11.3, go back to the beginning, and
	  make sure that you have compiled pilot-link 0.11.3 and installed
	  it in the right location.

	7. make 		# NEVER as root

	8. If you get the following errors:

	./.libs/ undefined reference to `sync_CopyToPilot'
	./.libs/ undefined reference to `sync_Synchronize'
	./.libs/ undefined reference to `sync_CopyFromPilot'
	./.libs/ undefined reference to `sync_MergeToPilot'
	./.libs/ undefined reference to `sync_MergeFromPilot' the following perl one-liner, all on one line:

	perl -pi -e 's/PISOCK_LIBS = -lpisock/PISOCK_LIBS = -lpisock \
	     -lpisync/g' `find . -name Makefile`

	This will append -lpisync to the PISOCK_LIBS lines that contain
	-lpisock in each Makefile, recursively.

	9. make			# NEVER as root

	10. su - root; make install;

	11. Compile Evolution from source as normal. You may have to use
	    --with-pisock=$pilot-link_prefix and --with-db3=$db3_prefix,
	    depending on how you compiled pilot-link and what version of
	    Evolution you're building.

	Make sure you *COMPLETELY* kill off gpilotd and restart the version
you just built first, before trying to sync.

	That's it. Good luck.


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