Bugs in Palm-to-Evo sync

Hi --

I just sync'ed to Evolution 0.15.99 using gnome-pilot, and a large number of my address book records got seriously munged. I suspect the fault is on the Evo side, but I'm sending this both places just in case (and as a warning?).

Any record where the "First Name" field in my Palm contained multiple tokens got messed up on the second (and subsequent) sync. For example (names changed to protect the yada-yada-yada),

   Ewing, Bobby & Pam
   1 Southfork Ranch Drive
   Braddock, TX  75247

(FirstName="Pam & Bobby" and LastName="Ewing") gets munged to

   Pam Ewing, Bobby
   1 Southfork Ranch Drive
   Braddock, TX  75247

(FirstName="Bobby" and LastName="Pam Ewing").

Or even worse, a name like

   Ewing, John Ross & Sue Ellen

(FirstName="John Ross & Sue Ellen" and LastName="Ewing") gets munged to

   & Sue Ellen Ewing, John

(FirstName="John" and LastName="& Sue Ellen Ewing").

Part of the problem is that one of the names is getting sucked up into Evo's "Middle Name" field, and the sync'ing seems to be happening on Evo's "File As" name (which defaults to "First Last" instead of "First Middle Last"); but more subtle part of the problem is the parsing sequence that Evo is using: "Name1 Name2 (...) NameLast" gets stuffed into the Evo record as

   First Name: Name1
   Middle Name: Name2
   Last Name: (...) NameLast

instead of

   First Name: Name1
   Middle Name: Name2 (...)
   Last Name: NameLast

(which seems more intuitive ...).  Or maybe sync'ing should happen based on

   Palm side        Evo side
   ---------        --------
   First Name <=> First Name, Middle Name
   Last Name <=> Last Name

Comments, anyone?


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