Merge from pilot not repeatable


I have successfully installed and used gnome-pilot with the
gnomecal conduit and a USB Visor.  However, I ran into the
following problem.  I downloaded all my calendar entries
from the Visor into gnomecal using the `Merge From Pilot'
setting.  As I experimented with different settings and knew
that I have all the relevant data on the Visor, I deleted
the local calendar file (.gnome/user-cal.vcf) only to find
that apparently the software refuses to download entries
twice from the Visor.  Any *new* entries that I make are
nicely downloaded, but those that I already downloaded
aren't merged in again when deleted.

I guess, this is meant to be a feature (not a bug), but I
wonder whether it can't be overridden somehow.  Did anybody
else run into this problem yet?

I also couldn't get `Copy From Pilot' to work at all.  From
what I understand, this option deletes the local resource
first and then downloads all data from the pilot.  For the
calendar, it seems to delete .gnome/user-cal.vcf (no
warning) and then fails to download anything (gnomecal is
automatically started, but contains no entries whatsoever).


  Manuel M. T. Chakravarty                               chak cse unsw edu au
  School of Computer Science & Engineering
  University of New South Wales, Sydney

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