pilot-link versioning (was: Re: GnomePilot problems)

>>>>> ""David" == "David Desrosiers <hacker@gnu-designs.com>" <hacker@downcity.net> writes:

    David> Point being... 0.9.3. is the only/latest/official version,
    David> and you should be using that. 0.9.4, though numerically
    David> appears to be a more recent version, is actually about 6
    David> months older than 0.9.3, and doesn't include many fixes
    David> that 0.9.3 provides.

Have you submitted your patches to the canonical source for
pilot-link?  That's where the Debian pilot-link maintainer surely gets
their sources, and this could be very confusing.  I've CC'ed the
Debian package maintainer.
Colin Walters <levanti@verbum.org>
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